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iSupport 是由世界衛⽣組織 (WHO) 開發的針對腦退化症照顧者的網上教育和技能培訓計畫。它包括五個學習模組:(1)有關腦退化症的⼀般資訊;(2)與照顧者有關的資訊;(3)⾃我保健;(4)照顧腦退化症⼈⼠;(5)解決腦退化症狀。
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研討會 (初步結果) Wong, B., Chan, H., Mo, M., Ho, F., Cheng, T., & Kwok, T. (2023). Effects of Transitional Care Program on Reducing Nursing Home Placement in People with Dementia. Presented at the 2023 IPA International Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.
研討會 (初步結果) Wong, B., Ho, F., & Kwok, T. (2022). Development of tracking technology to facilitate the development of dementia friendly community. Presented at the 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, London.
文獻 Chan, H. Y. L., Ho, F. K. Y., Chui, K. C. M., Wong, B. P. S., Chui, M. Y. P., Zhao, Y., ... & Kwok, T. C. Y. (2022). Evaluation of a multicomponent restraint reduction intervention in care homes. Collegian, 29(6), 837-842.
研究會 Wong, B., Xiao, L., Cheng, T., Leung, P., Ho, F., & Kwok, T. (2024). Development of Culturally Sensitive Dementia Caregiving Psychoeducation Intervention: Views from Chinese Care Partners on iSupport Adaptation. Presented at the 36th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, Krakow.
文獻 Wong, B., Kwok, T., Chui, K., Cheng, T., Ho, F., & Woo, J. (2021). The impact of dementia daycare service cessation due to COVID‐19 pandemic. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry. doi: 10.1002/gps.5621
文獻 Yan E, Wong A, Chan W, Kwok T. Misconceptions About Dementia and Its Implication for Willingness to Seek Treatment and Knowledge in Dementia Related Information. Hong Kong Practitioner. 2006;28(3):108-113.
研討會 Yan, E, Kwok, T, Ho, F, Li, J. Misconception about dementia and its effects on treatment seeking tendency. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Congress of Gerontology; November 2005; Hong Kong.
文獻 Lam LC, Lee JS, Chung JC, Lau A, Woo J, Kwok TC. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Examine the Effectiveness of Case Management Model for Community Dwelling Older Persons with Mild Dementia in Hong Kong. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
文獻 Kwok T, Twinn S, Yan E. The Attitudes of Chinese Family Caregivers of Older People with Dementia towards Life Sustaining Treatments. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2007;58(3):256-262.
文獻 Yan E, Kwok T, Lee D, Tang C. The Prevalence and Correlates of the Use of Restraint and Force on Hospitalised Older People. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness. 2009;1(2):147-155.
研討會 Yan E, Kwok T, Ho F, Li J. Nurses' Attitudes towards Restraint-use among Dementia Elderly Patients. Oral presentation at the 14th Annual Congress of Gerontology; November 2006; Hong Kong.
文獻 Kwok T, Yuen K, Ho F, Chan W. Getting Lost in the Community: a Phone Survey on the Community‐dwelling Demented People in Hong Kong. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2010;25(4):427-432.
研討會 Yuen K, Kwok T, Ho F, Li J. Getting Lost in the Community: A Phone Survey on the Aged Population in Hong Kong. Oral presentation at the 15th Annual Congress of Gerontology; November 2007; Hong Kong.
文獻 Yan E, Ho F, Kwok T, Tang C. Factors Associated with Life Satisfaction of Personal Care Workers Delivering Dementia Care in Day Care Centers. Social Work in Health Care. 2007;46(1):37-45.
文獻 Kwok T, Chau WW, Yuen K, et al. Who Would Benefit from Memory Training? A Pilot Study Examining the Ceiling Effect of Concurrent Cognitive Stimulation. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2011;6:83.
文獻 Kwok T, Wong A, Chan G, et al. Effectiveness of Cognitive Training for Chinese Elderly in Hong Kong. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2013;8:213.
研討會 Ting K, Yuen K, Chung E, Li J, Ho F, Kwok T. Effectiveness of Physical Exercise in the Ageing Population. Oral presentation at the 16th Annual Congress of Gerontology; November 2008; Hong Kong.
文獻 Kwok T, Lam K, Yip A, Ho F. Knowledge of Dementia among Undergraduates in the Health and Social Care Professions in Hong Kong. Social Work in Mental Health. 2011;9(4):287-301.
研討會 Lam K, Yip A, Kwok T, Ho, F. Knowledge of Dementia Among Undergraduates in the Health and Social Care Professions in Hong Kong. Paper Presented at the 17th Annual Congress of Gerontology; November 2009; Hong Kong.
文獻 Kwok T, Ho D, Chan G, Ip I, Wong B, Ho F. Evaluation of Day Care Services for Demented Clients in Hong Kong. Asian J Gerontol Geriatr. 2014;9:5-9.
研討會 Lam KC, Hui E, Yip A, Kwok T, Ho, F. Usage of Day Care Service by Persons with Dementia in Hong Kong. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Congress of Gerontology; 2010; Hong Kong.
文獻 Kwok T, Young D, Yip A, Ho F. Effectiveness of Day Care Services for Dementia Patients and Their Caregivers. Asian J Gerontol Geriatr. 2013;8:9-15.
研討會 Yip A, Kwok T, Ho F, Li J. The Effectiveness of Day Care for People with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers: The JCCPA Experience. Paper Presented at the 17th Annual Congress of Gerontology; November 2009; Hong Kong.
文獻 Kwok T, Wong A, Chan G, et al. Effectiveness of Cognitive Training for Chinese Elderly in Hong Kong. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2013;8:213.
文獻 Bai X, Kwok T, Chan N, Ho F. Determinants of Job Satisfaction in Foreign Domestic Helpers Caring for People with Dementia in Hong Kong. Health & Social Care in the Community. 2013;21(5):472-479.
文獻 Kwok T, Leung PC, Wing YK, et al. The Effectiveness of Acupuncture on the Sleep Quality of Elderly with Dementia: a Within-subjects Trial. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2013;8:923.
文獻 Kwok T, Wong B, Ip I, Chui K, Young D, Ho F. Telephone-delivered Psychoeducational Intervention for Hong Kong Chinese Dementia Caregivers: a Single-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2013;8:1191.
文獻 Kwok T, Bai X, Li J, Ho F, Lee T. Effectiveness of Cognitive Training in Chinese Older People with Subjective Cognitive Complaints: a Randomized Placebo‐controlled Trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2013;28(2):208-215.
研討會 Kwok T, Yip A, Cheng S, Ho F. The Effects of Cognitive Training in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Presented at the 25th International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International; March 2010; Thessaloniki, Greece.
文獻 Bai X, Kwok T, Ip I, Woo J, Chui M, Ho F. Physical Restraint Use and Older Patients' Length of Hospital Stay. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 2014;2(1):160-170.
Kwok T, Bai X, Chui M, et al. Effect of Physical Restraint Reduction on Older Patients' Hospital Length of Stay. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2012;13(7):645-650.
文獻 Kwok T, Au A, Wong B, Ip I, Mak V, Ho F. Effectiveness of Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Family Caregivers of People with Dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2014;9:631.
文獻 Bai X, Ho D, Fung K, et al. Effectiveness of a Life Story Work Program on Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2014;9:1865.
文獻 Lee, EK-P, Wong, B, Chan, PHS, et al. Effectiveness of a Mindfulness Intervention for Older Adults to Improve Emotional Well-being and Cognitive Function in a Chinese Population: A Randomized Waitlist-controlled Trial. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2021; 1-11.
文獻 Chan H, Ho F, Chui K, et al. Capacity Building for Dementia Care in Community Care Services: A Mixed Methods Approach. BMC Geriatrics. 2020;20:1-10.
文獻 Young D, Ng P, Kwok T, et al. The Effects of an Expanded Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Model on the Improvement of Cognitive Ability of Elderly with Mild Stage Dementia Living in a Community—a Randomized Waitlist Controlled Trial. Aging & Mental Health. 2019;23(7):855-862.
Young D, Ng P, Cheng D, et al. Outcomes of Expanded Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Group for Mild-Stage Dementia: Four-Month Follow-Up. Research on Social Work Practice. 2019:1049731519859432.
文獻 Kwok T, Bai X, Kao H, Li J, Ho F. Cognitive Effects of Calligraphy Therapy for Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Hong Kong. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2011;6:269.
研討會 Yip E, Yuen K, Li J, Ho F, Lam S, Kao S, Kwok T. Effectiveness of Calligraphy Groups in Retaining Cognitive Function During Ageing. Paper Presentation at the 16th Annual Congress of Gerontology; November 2008; Hong Kong.
文獻 Wong OL, Kwong PS, Ho C, et al. Living With Dementia: An Exploratory Study of Caregiving in a Chinese Family Context. Social Work in Health Care. 2015;54(8):758-776.
文獻 Chan W, Wong B, Kwok T, Ho F. Assessing Grief of Family Caregivers of People with Dementia: Validation of the Chinese Version of the Marwit–Meuser Caregiver Grief Inventory. Health & Social Work. 2017;42(3):151-158.